Luke 14:28
For which one of you, when he wants to build a tower, does not first sit down and calculate the cost to see if he has enough to complete it?
Yes...we had to do that back in the day. As per usual they trotted out the scripture above as a way to make it all seem as if God was involved in whatever they wanted the money for.
There's a scripture for every occasion if you're creative enough.
Many congregation members feather spat over this.
Diogenesister: Feather Spat (past tense of spitting feathers) means they were very agitated or took exception so much to the point that all that came out of their mouths was the spitting and sputtering sounds one would make if they were trying to rid themselves of feathers stuck in their mouths or stuck to their wet lips.
"He was so mad he was spitting feathers ( also cotton or wood chips)"